Saturday, June 2, 2012

Everyday Magic

It is a calm and cool Saturday morning and I need to make a run to Target.  I opt to go to the newer one in East Liberty as I can get personal items and some groceries.  Makes it one, easy, trip.  I can use ease where I can get it.   

I hit up my local Starbucks for a Quad Venti 2 pump Skinny Caramel Latte and enjoy the lovely energy of the regular folks there on Saturday mornings.  It is going to be a beautiful day.  And my latte is just perfect! 

I get to Target and have my list and opt to just stick to the plan and not veer off course.  I get distracted easily and need to be aware of my budget having just bought a new car and car insurance is due.  So I honor my list and head to vitamins, hair spray, toilet paper, and then venture back to the summer area 
before scooping up some groceries.  I am meandering at best.  It is quiet.  Target is never this quiet or calm.  I settle in and just look up and down aisles not finding what I was looking for in the summer area.

Head towards to the grocery area and start up and down the aisles.  I am in one of the frozen sections just la-la-la-ing along when I hear wheels and then there she is. My angel, really My Aunt Barb.  Not sure where she came from and honestly not sure when we parted where she went.  But that is not for me
to figure out.  The truth is she had a story to tell me...

She has magic.  She is magic.  I have magic. I am magic. Magic is all around us.  We just have to be open to seeing it.  Open, honest, and willing to see.  Such a beautiful angelic message in the frozen food aisle.  Oh, but there was more.  

She tells me this story about her grandson who comes to visit from down south and he lives in the country.  He loves coming to this Target with his grandmother because she showed him magic.  The frozen food section has light sensors that trigger the lights when someone comes into the aisle.  She tells me about their visit and how she told him Grandma has more magic that Harry Potter.  He looked sceptically at her and she said just watch.  She stood at the top of the aisle and said some words out loud about turning the lights on and then she waved her arms. He gasped and was amazed.  She was light and literally skipping into the aisle.  Magic! 

This woman is probably barely 5 feet tall, dark hair and eyes and full of love and magic.  She shows me how she did it for him and I felt that moment of wonder and joy and awe that he felt.  It was magic.  It is magic. MAGIC!  

Everyday Magic!

A seemingly simple experience for most of us on a daily basis...and now it was filled with joy and wonder for him, for her, for me.  And maybe for you!  

She told me about her son.  How proud she is of what is does and the man he is.  How young he looks for being 39.  (Same age as me!) How fascinated her grandson is with bridges and busses when he comes to the city.  Anita, from Brooklyn, lives in Pittsburgh and is rich beyond worldly wealth.  Amazing. 

And just as quickly as she has rolled into the aisle, she was gone.  Funny, I did not hear the wheels when she walked away.  It was not until I walked around the corner that it hit me that she was the spirit of my Aunt. 

Now, I admittedly believe in magic, joy and wonder.  I also believe in angels and signs.  This one has got to be one of the most lovely and amazing ones I have ever been blessed with and it came with a very clear, kick ass message from my spit-fire aunt that I need to share, teach and show the world that everyday magic is there for all to see, feel, be with and to make.  

Now that is a productive trip to Target.  Here I thought I just needed toilet paper and vitamins!  

Be open!  


See and Feel the everyday magic that is all around you and me and the universe!  

Watch for some updates and changes that will be coming to this blog and my page and my offerings. 



Amy Oscar said...

Wow! That is just beautiful. I wonder what this visitation from the spirit of your aunt was responding to in you. Were you asking a question just before she arrived?

Mindy Meiering said...

Beautiful, Nicole! Great reminder to be open to the everyday magic that surrounds us if are just willing to be open to seeing it...

Nicole said...

Thanks, Amy. Hmm...not sure that I was asking for anything. I had just the night before experienced safely speaking my truth with a new guy. I have been practicing being open and aware. I have been going to my edges and calming saying "I AM ENOUGH" and moving into asking for what I need, saying what is on my heart, and being more open to receiving what is in front of me. I am not sure this is making sense. That morning I was feeling inspired and connected and centered. Something that I have been struggling with this year. And then the day just started to unfold with such amazing magic! It is a dance for me to stay present and aware and not cave to fear and hide behind taking care of everyone and everything else before myself. I do not need to shrink myself or hide parts of me (Aunt Barb was one that spoke her truth, always!). I am safe, I am supported, I am loved, I am enough!

Nicole said...

Thank you, Mindy! :)

Nancy Mills said...

Keep writing Nicole. Just keep writing. Nancy

Christine Boles said...

Where would we be without our everyday magic adding a glow to our days?

Nicole said...

Thank you, Nancy! :)

Christine: YES!!! Without it life is not filled with the love and light we have. For me, I just need to step back and slow down to see the magic. I am sure other people get caught up in the go-go-go nature of this world and lose sight of that. This is hopefully a little reminder. :)

-Mike said...

I love the mental images and how you captured magic in an ordinary moment! Writing suits you ... Truth is a wonderful gift!

Bohemian said...

What a Beautiful and Magical Post! Yes, there is so much to stand in Awe of all around us and to appreciate and be Thankful for. But during the darker times and challenges of Life it can be difficult to experience it all as fully as we could. It is in the Everyday Magic that I find Peace and Serenity during the Storms and Stresses of everyday Life and restore myself. So glad I came by today to hear this Lovely Story of your Aunt's Spirit...

Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

Nicole said...

So glad you wandered into my space today! Love and Peace to you in the Arizona Desert.