Monday, January 31, 2011


It started on the other side of the world...I was sleeping soundly in my bed.  The first moments of the day dawning on my birthday and the first of my birthday loving wishes from my "framily"!  You, my loves,  are all around the world.  


I thought about this early today and thought to make some notes of the highlights of the love all around me.  

Here is what I saw all around today...

Text messages from my mama, a lovely note from Amber on Facebook, a text from Barbie and then a song from her...I can keep it for some time!  Just beautiful!  I had not even seen all the messages already showing up on Facebook!  Wow!  I have to get to the still goes on.  

Get to the office...had my Starbucks (perfectly made!), my lovely scone from Dozen and the other bday girl celebrating with me...opened my door and this is what greeted me....'s my birthday at the office too!  I cried a little...tears of joy...I gasped, really loud and then laughed...really laughed and the LOVE-fest that must have ensued to make this glorious gift!  

What I really loved about this was the gift it gave to others...take the grumpy mail guy who walks in and looks around, then actually cracks a smile and says questioningly..."Is it your birthday?"  Big smile and then his day is brightened.   This helped with lots of grumps who walked into the space today!  LOVE IT!!!  

The little boy who must have been visiting his dad at work who had blue stuff all over his face.  I know this first hand because he was so excited as he plastered his face on the door, squealing about balloons.  PURE JOY!!!  PURE LOVE!!!  

The one I still don't get is the magic card!  Although...really I should!  I have had magic cards before!  And one from the magic island really should not be a surprise!  LOVE!!!  

The skype/live song with cupcakes and LOVE!  Lots and lots of LOVE!!!  

The phone messages from around the world!  

The text messages, the emails, the tweets, the facebook messages!  Oh My!!!!  

It is going to take me a whole year to thank each and every single person for giving me so much love today!  This was of course AFTER an entire weekend FILLED with birthday love...a dinner party at my place on Saturday and family breakfast on Sunday!  

LOVE IS ALL AROUND ME!!!  All around the world and in my heart, bursting!  

I am so blessed!  I am so lucky!  I am so loved!  

And even though my dinner plans changed for tonight...I was home for the most adorable call from my nephew Cameron.  He called his Cole Cole to say happy birthday, I love you!  So amazing!  Such a perfect end to my birthday!  

Thank you seems so simple for such an outpouring...that really has not stopped.    


Intentions for my New Year: v.2011

List, another list! I have lots of them, don't we all?!?!  I make and cross off lots things on them.  When I have done my new year goals it has been a list. I am starting to feel a little like Dr. Seuss.  Oy!   

When I started my list for 2011-- a list came pretty easily.  Then I realized that it has branches.  They probably always have with me...I was not clear enough to see it.  So one morning getting out of the shower, dripping all they way to the living room I ran looking for a sharpie and paper.  That paper went on the bathroom wall and my "body" list was born!  Without further ado...

Here are my intentions for 2011 just in time for my heading into a bright & shiny new year for me:

Heart & Soul 
Intentions & Goals for 2011  
  • Write daily:  it does not have to be anything fancy or big just write, you are a writer after all! 
  • Walk @ the Park:  it does not have to be anything long or crazy just walk!
  • Music Mornings:  this started with the writing daily...sometimes just hearing something awesome in the background changes the tone of the day! 
  • Hang out with the people I love:  let them in.  this is a big one for me!  just letting people into my house, into my heart, into my life.  i am doing it and going to keep doing it.  It feeds my heart! 
  • Paint: just do it!  Messy, crappy, lovely and fun!
  • Use my PTO time:  this is a big problem for me.  I sit on vacation time like it is my badge of honor.  HA!  Joke is on one else is going to watch my sanity for me.  So use it or lose it! 
  • Volunteer:  I need to get this back into my life.  I am working on it.  Again, it is not the bigness of is just the act of doing it!  
  • Travel:  I want to travel around the world...I have the route all planned out.  I suspect that this year will involve a bit of travel.  Will keep you updated!  :) 
  • Dance:  dance under the moonlight, dance on the beach, dance in the wet morning grass, dance in the snow.  Just dance!  The amazing partner will show! 
  • Vacation:  For ME and with Family! 

Beautiful Body
Intentions & Goals for 2011  
  • Do not obsess:  just not worth my energy.  My mind controls my body!  Taking care of it will take care of me!  
  • Love what I have:  I have been given one body and the challenges that it have with it.  Love it, all of it!  The rest will take care of itself!
  • Sexy Arms:  I know I can get these again!  I have seen them.  I want them and will have them.  They will be powerful (well already are) and Sexy! Watch out!  
  • Smaller body size: goal is for a small bath towel to be able to full wrap around my torso.   It is getting there, which is what gave me the idea in the first place.  
  • Lose 85lbs:  I have hemmed and hawed about putting a number to this.  Not sure why.  And in the spirit of letting go...putting it out there.  And am happy to report on my way with this one!  The year of letting go dead and old weight!  Buh-bye!  
  • Move what I have regularly:  No need to wait until I lose weight, just move!  No really just dance, walk, stairs, yoga, just do it!  

Purpose-Driven Business
Intentions & Goals for 2011  
  • CIP 2011:  Attend, learn, grow so more, expand, create, explore, connect, re-connect!  Get thee to Atlanta, GA!  (there will be more on CIP in a separate post! SOON!) Update: signed up and already on board!
  • Launch new blog: Creating are here so did something write!  ;-)   Update: already launched this year!  
  • Money:  Have a healthy relationship with it!  Establish paypal account and find money makers for my biz plan.
  • Biz plan: make one, a good one, write it down, plan it out.  Make it happen!
  • Connect with others:  twitter (done), facebook (done and working on a new plan), email (done), blog (done).
  • Trip to NYC:  to work with my friend and web designer.  Update: See if this is still viable.  
  • Learn: This is new for me and I am still learning.  So classes, workshops, tele-seminars, calls, connections, books, blogs, you!  
  • Certified Life Coach: become one!  It seems I do this already and I am good at it.  So, gulp, taking the step to figure out how to do this for me and my purpose-driven business plan!  

There it is my lovers of enoughness and supporters of my journey!  My 2011 intentions and goals!  

And quite fitting, I just hit the play button on iTunes and what is blaring in the background as I wrap this up:  Bon Jovi's "Have a Nice Day"!!!! Thank you Jon for my reminder!  :) 

Have you set your intentions and goals for 2011?  Start small, start big!  Hell, just start something!  It is your life!  Your life filled with enoughness right here, right now where you sit!  Dare to set your intentions and follow through!  It is enough!  


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Reflection on the Eve of a New Nicole Year

As I start today, January 30, it is not much different than other days.  It is a Sunday.  (I really don't have to be up this early, I am! So I write.)  It is January in Pittsburgh, so yeah it fucking cold outside.  I know because I poked my head out for some fresh air.  *Sigh*, OK, so it could and has been colder but I digress!  

On the actual eve of a new Nicole year...aka my's tomorrow for those who don't know...I realized that I "still" have time to post some of my lessons learned from last year and then move on in the next post to 2011 Intentions.  What a gift!  There is "enough" time and space for everything. 

So without further prattling...

My Lessons Learned: v.2010
  • Sometimes getting what you want can be a step back.
  • Vacation time is necessary for my sanity.
  • I VALUE my sanity being as intact as it can be.
  • Sanity can and will be challenged, frequently.  Hold on to it! 
  • Being authentic is freeing and sometimes challenging.
  • Finding the "good" is not so hard, really.  Give it a try!
  • Finally accepting, believing and resonating with my enoughness.  
  • Dreams don't always change, they do GROW.  Sometimes faster and larger than you ever imagine.
  • Letting go of dead weight = really hard and really necessary work.
  • Having a plan is a good thing.
  • Outrunning a snow storm is only acceptable with plenty of supplies and a fireplace is at the end of the journey! Oh, a generator helps too!  
  • Contrary to my beliefs, city streets are NOT better than country roads!!
  • You really can "walk uphill both ways!"  I did!   
  • Running out of toilet paper will not kill you.  It does = walking uphill both ways after a snowstorm.
  • Birthdays, Beer, Best Family & Friends just plain ROCKS!!!!
  • Putting myself out there is fucking scary.  Definitely needed.  And ultimately worth it.  
  • Snow boots really are a necessity.  So is a good snow shovel.  BOTH are in my possession after 2010 mishaps.  
  • Sisters are best friends.  Best friends are sisters.  
  • My enoughness is a light for my mom, sisters, friends and the world.  Not hiding it is part of my purpose. 
  • Doing this my way means that it's MINE and I own it and I do it.  No matter what 'it' is! 

So what have you learned in the last day, month or year?  How has this new knowledge changed or allowed for something new, amazing, scary in your life? 

Leave a comment or send a note!  Love hearing from you.  

You are enough.  Sit with that knowledge as your reflect.  And come back later for my enoughness intentions for 2011!  

Monday, January 24, 2011

Taking Back Boyce

Growing up I loved my name. Nicole Marie Boyce. I was at the front of the alphabet and got a good desk, sat near the same folks in school (mostly boys...yay me!) and it was not a name that could be made fun score!

Then my parents split. And a whole lot of drama ensued with my father. And, well that is a story for another time. Flash forward a few years, and, I could not wait to get a new name. I thought that somehow having a new name via marriage would make me a different person.

Funny the name change did nothing for changing who I am, what I believe or anything like that. I know shocking, right?!?!

This is about me and about my journey. I have discovered a whole lot about are welcome to explore the last few years here: Scoperta del Nicole .

TODAY it is...A settling into my own skin. A settling into my Enoughness. What I quickly realized is that I am still holding onto a name that is not mine. Not anymore. Hasn't been for some time. If I am being honest, it is just comfortable and easy. Well, easy and comfortable are not working for me anymore. You know, holding on for all the wrong reasons...

I kept it because I was holding onto my broken marriage. I kept it as a reminder that someone loved me enough to marry me, once. I kept it as a piece of history to beat myself up with because I let my marriage fail. Blah, blah, blah.

That is a whole lot of power I gave to a name.



It's not even mine!

Letting it go!

Here I am in 2011, getting ready to dive head first into a lovely mess of paperwork to get this done. I am doing it willing and doing it because I love my mess! My friend Allison Nazarian's fabulous book called "Love Your Mess" is a great read and a great help with the mess otherwise known as your life. Check it out! I have learned that I love my mess and sometimes I have to make a bigger one in order to move on and let go fully!

Putting down Nicole Marie Willis.

Picking up/Taking Back

Oy! Now smiling, feeling lighter, happier...onto the mountain of paperwork that awaits!

What are you holding onto that you need to let go of?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

F**king Enough! Letting Go!

I usually know pretty quickly into the new year, sometimes before, what the theme(s) or lesson(s) will be. Sometimes it is just an inkling, sometimes is a giant billboard smacking me upside my head. This year is no exception...

2011 is the year of letting go.

Pft!!! (yup, i spit!)


For fuck sake!!


Okay, I will turn and face the big, obnoxious pile of shit that I am carrying around with me. You know the pile...weight, divorce, perfection, fear, parent-issues, *you* name it and i am sure i got one of it in my pile.

See I am tired! Not just because it's Friday, well really it is now Saturday morning and it has been a long week. But really tired.

Pure exhaustion to my core.

The kind that can keep you stuck for a very long time. And a few years ago I learned about getting unstuck and well, not going back to being stuck.

So fuck. I surrender!

Let's just sit or sleep or walk or yoga or relax with this exhaustion. That is until it passes. Breathe. It will. I know it. For now, I recognize this exhaustion as a time to take pause and slow down and PUT DOWN. Put down the giant pile of shit that weighs me down literally and figuratively and emotionally and mentally.

Throughout this year we will discuss how letting go of X allows you to grow more and more comfortable with your own ENOUGHNESS.

As for is some of my pile of stinking shit....
  • Perfectionism
  • residual crap from divorce
  • overweight
  • workaholic
  • food addict
  • Holding on to the past (not talking about just memories here)
  • boxes of crap that i have no clue what is in them really (no judgement!)
  • Disorganized financial life
  • Old belief systems
  • Messes that are not mine
  • Responsibilities that are not mine
  • Not having boundaries
  • Making boundaries and caving
  • Wanting everyone to like me
  • Playing Nice
  • Playing Safe
  • Selling myself short
My list might look like yours, might have some similarities, might be completely different. Not really the point with this, is it? What I have been realizing is that with all this shit I am enough.

With letting go of it piece by piece so much more incredibly, fascinating miraculous experiences, people, events, things will fill my life, my heart, my soul, my being.

So what are you willing to let go of today? this week? this month? this year?

Set it down, loosen your grip, let it go...

I hope you will continue to join me as I get rolling with showing my ENOUGHNESS to the world!

My hope is that you will share with me your shit list. Remember 2011 is the year for letting go and by letting go you honor your ENOUGHNESS!

With Peace and Love!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Welcome...Holy Sh*t...What am I doing?!?!

Let me first say WELCOME to my new blog!

(be warned...a bit of a profanity laced welcome!)

Creating Enoughness poured out of me in September at the fabulous event called Creating Irresistible Presence with the even more fabulous Sarah Robinson. (more on this later!)

I had a plan. I had people on board to help. I had the url. I had steps to get there.

Then I got home...little by little I slipped back into my comfort zone and hid. I stepped out every now and again and put a toe in the water. Then decided it was would be awesome to roll out right around the new year. It would be perfect. (yeah, yeah we all know about perfect!)

Then she showed up...Ooooh, no, no, NO! you are not ready. Not good enough. Not enough design. Why would anyone want to HELP YOU!?! Why would anyone care what you have to say?

Blah, blah, blah.




Yes, you in the corner of my mind...SHUT THE FUCK UP!

SO without further profanity...

Here I stand, well actually sitting at my new table, before you opening up this new chapter, new blog. Welcome!

Sure there is more to my plan. There is more to design. There is more to create There is more to share! The fact is this I HAVE a plan! I HAVE people one board to support me! I still have the url! I still know how to get there! And I will! We will! :-)

Today is about my lessons, my mess, my journey, my ENOUGHNESS! (I sit here, having a hard time typing as I am shaking with excitement and fear and courage!) Here we go...

And as I close one chapter (you can read about it here), I step out from the shadows and open up this new piece of me to you.

I hope you will stick around for some exciting, fun and dare I say life changing work!

Together we will explore what enoughness is, how to create it and how I can help you, and you help me!
