When I started my list for 2011-- a list came pretty easily. Then I realized that it has branches. They probably always have with me...I was not clear enough to see it. So one morning getting out of the shower, dripping all they way to the living room I ran looking for a sharpie and paper. That paper went on the bathroom wall and my "body" list was born! Without further ado...
Here are my intentions for 2011 just in time for my heading into a bright & shiny new year for me:
Heart & Soul
Intentions & Goals for 2011
- Write daily: it does not have to be anything fancy or big just write, you are a writer after all!
- Walk @ the Park: it does not have to be anything long or crazy just walk!
- Music Mornings: this started with the writing daily...sometimes just hearing something awesome in the background changes the tone of the day!
- Hang out with the people I love: let them in. this is a big one for me! just letting people into my house, into my heart, into my life. i am doing it and going to keep doing it. It feeds my heart!
- Paint: just do it! Messy, crappy, lovely and fun!
- Use my PTO time: this is a big problem for me. I sit on vacation time like it is my badge of honor. HA! Joke is on me...no one else is going to watch my sanity for me. So use it or lose it!
- Volunteer: I need to get this back into my life. I am working on it. Again, it is not the bigness of it...it is just the act of doing it!
- Travel: I want to travel around the world...I have the route all planned out. I suspect that this year will involve a bit of travel. Will keep you updated! :)
- Dance: dance under the moonlight, dance on the beach, dance in the wet morning grass, dance in the snow. Just dance! The amazing partner will show!
- Vacation: For ME and with Family!
Beautiful Body
Intentions & Goals for 2011
- Do not obsess: just not worth my energy. My mind controls my body! Taking care of it will take care of me!
- Love what I have: I have been given one body and the challenges that it have with it. Love it, all of it! The rest will take care of itself!
- Sexy Arms: I know I can get these again! I have seen them. I want them and will have them. They will be powerful (well already are) and Sexy! Watch out!
- Smaller body size: goal is for a small bath towel to be able to full wrap around my torso. It is getting there, which is what gave me the idea in the first place.
- Lose 85lbs: I have hemmed and hawed about putting a number to this. Not sure why. And in the spirit of letting go...putting it out there. And am happy to report on my way with this one! The year of letting go dead and old weight! Buh-bye!
- Move what I have regularly: No need to wait until I lose weight, just move! No really just dance, walk, stairs, yoga, just do it!
Purpose-Driven Business
Intentions & Goals for 2011
- CIP 2011: Attend, learn, grow so more, expand, create, explore, connect, re-connect! Get thee to Atlanta, GA! (there will be more on CIP in a separate post! SOON!) Update: signed up and already on board!
- Launch new blog: Creating Enoughess...you are here so did something write! ;-) Update: already launched this year!
- Money: Have a healthy relationship with it! Establish paypal account and find money makers for my biz plan.
- Biz plan: make one, a good one, write it down, plan it out. Make it happen!
- Connect with others: twitter (done), facebook (done and working on a new plan), email (done), blog (done).
- Trip to NYC: to work with my friend and web designer. Update: See if this is still viable.
- Learn: This is new for me and I am still learning. So classes, workshops, tele-seminars, calls, connections, books, blogs, you!
- Certified Life Coach: become one! It seems I do this already and I am good at it. So, gulp, taking the step to figure out how to do this for me and my purpose-driven business plan!
There it is my lovers of enoughness and supporters of my journey! My 2011 intentions and goals!
And quite fitting, I just hit the play button on iTunes and what is blaring in the background as I wrap this up: Bon Jovi's "Have a Nice Day"!!!! Thank you Jon for my reminder! :)
Have you set your intentions and goals for 2011? Start small, start big! Hell, just start something! It is your life! Your life filled with enoughness right here, right now where you sit! Dare to set your intentions and follow through! It is enough!
I hope your trip around the world includes Amsterdam, you know you are welcome here!
Would love to add Amsterdam to the list now that I have YOU there! :) Welcome to my blog! Love that you found it...you can follow back to the older one that was not as public, btw!
Nicole!!! Love these goals :) Very actionable, smart, and rewarding! I also want to get volunteering back into my life ;)
So, in the off-chance you have some spare space on your bookshelf of learning...I recommend anything and everything by the Dalai Lama. He's brilliant, insightful, and I think very in tune with your fantastic journey. Here's a good one to start with:
And just because I'm a little further away doesn't mean you can't reach out or visit. You have my number and email after all ;) Plus I'll hopefully get down to Pittsburgh now & then too!!
Adam! Have that book...fantastic! Need to read again!
Thanks for the support on here. I am not worried about reaching out and visiting! It will happen. :)
I always have space on my bookshelf...so if you think of anything else just let me know.
Well...there are a couple I can suggest ;)
"How to See Yourself As You Really Are" by the Dalai Lama is great if you want basically a guided meditation practice. He gently guides you towards the Buddhist concept of Emptiness, which I'm guessing you already know about :)
Also "The Tao of Pooh" is *phenomenal*. It's a short & quick read, but so well written and entertaining and mind-opening. It's by Benjamin Hoff.
Of course, you might already have both of those :P
Hope you're surviving this winter we're having. It's been pretty wild!
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