You wouldn't know it to see me...I have been carrying around some serious anger.
I have not been writing; been too busy. I have not been taking care of my life; been traveling. I have not been...blah, blah, blah. FUCK!
BULLSHIT!!! Life is messy. Life is busy. I get it!
Let me get really honest here...I have been holding onto this anger ball for some time as it is comfortable, it is easy and fuck is an even EASIER scape goat. Wait...
WOAH! Whatcha sayin?
Yes, I have been hiding behind my anger ball. No, I have not been walking around yelling at folks.
So when I woke up this morning I knew it was time. It was time to less the pressure off and start to release it. I am not going to blow. That would be less than productive!
Simply put I wrote and wrote and wrote about what I was angry about until I was done. There is more on other subjects but the biggie is released. My gut feels better. I feel relieved. Doing this work allowed me to take a look at my calendar and do some planning for time off. Doing this work made me realize that I have not been writing and I miss it! Doing this work made room for me to see just how much I have accomplished in the first 5 months of 2011!!! (more for another post soon!)
This got me to thinking about my own enoughness and how easy it is to slip back into not living that, not being that and go in a direction that really does not work for me. So I ask you...What are you holding onto out of comfort, fear, complacency? Can you let it go today? Why? Why not? What are you waiting for?
Share your story with me here...on facebook...on email...or in person.
Anger, fear, security. My balls are big and easy to hide behind. Frustration of taking a giant leap forward then falling backwards into the mud puddle. When I don't write it bubbles up and I explode. Usually at my kids since they are easy targets. I should throw the dirty dishes instead. I need tighter boundaries with wiggle room to play. This free spirit keeps tying herself down. It's the HOW to stop doing it where I'm stuck
Yes! It bubbles up and takes over.
Let that free spirit fly my lovely!
Thank you for courageously posting this.
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