Saturday, January 22, 2011

F**king Enough! Letting Go!

I usually know pretty quickly into the new year, sometimes before, what the theme(s) or lesson(s) will be. Sometimes it is just an inkling, sometimes is a giant billboard smacking me upside my head. This year is no exception...

2011 is the year of letting go.

Pft!!! (yup, i spit!)


For fuck sake!!


Okay, I will turn and face the big, obnoxious pile of shit that I am carrying around with me. You know the pile...weight, divorce, perfection, fear, parent-issues, *you* name it and i am sure i got one of it in my pile.

See I am tired! Not just because it's Friday, well really it is now Saturday morning and it has been a long week. But really tired.

Pure exhaustion to my core.

The kind that can keep you stuck for a very long time. And a few years ago I learned about getting unstuck and well, not going back to being stuck.

So fuck. I surrender!

Let's just sit or sleep or walk or yoga or relax with this exhaustion. That is until it passes. Breathe. It will. I know it. For now, I recognize this exhaustion as a time to take pause and slow down and PUT DOWN. Put down the giant pile of shit that weighs me down literally and figuratively and emotionally and mentally.

Throughout this year we will discuss how letting go of X allows you to grow more and more comfortable with your own ENOUGHNESS.

As for is some of my pile of stinking shit....
  • Perfectionism
  • residual crap from divorce
  • overweight
  • workaholic
  • food addict
  • Holding on to the past (not talking about just memories here)
  • boxes of crap that i have no clue what is in them really (no judgement!)
  • Disorganized financial life
  • Old belief systems
  • Messes that are not mine
  • Responsibilities that are not mine
  • Not having boundaries
  • Making boundaries and caving
  • Wanting everyone to like me
  • Playing Nice
  • Playing Safe
  • Selling myself short
My list might look like yours, might have some similarities, might be completely different. Not really the point with this, is it? What I have been realizing is that with all this shit I am enough.

With letting go of it piece by piece so much more incredibly, fascinating miraculous experiences, people, events, things will fill my life, my heart, my soul, my being.

So what are you willing to let go of today? this week? this month? this year?

Set it down, loosen your grip, let it go...

I hope you will continue to join me as I get rolling with showing my ENOUGHNESS to the world!

My hope is that you will share with me your shit list. Remember 2011 is the year for letting go and by letting go you honor your ENOUGHNESS!

With Peace and Love!


Sandy said...

Letting go is so much easier to say than to actually do. I need to do a lot of letting myself this year but frankly I would much rather just sleep...easier.

Nicole said...

Oh, Sandy! You are right there..much easier to say than to do! However, I have found that once I say it...the power of that issue lessens and I can move on to the action part of the lesson! Sleep, take care of yourself!

Nick's Blog n@ said...

Wow, these are great goals I wish you success with each one. My goal for this year is a bit different that yours, but also somewhat similar. I am been learning Dutch on my own for so long now and speak it somewhat okay to total strangers but hardly ever used it with my Dutch speaking friends or people at work because I was embarrassed because it is not that good and there is still a lot I don't know. But even though it is going to be tough, I made the goal to use it more at work and with friends because if I don't start now, I probably never will, I was only hurting myself. And you know what, so far, it is not going too bad...

Nick's Blog n@ said...

Wow, these are great goals I wish you success with each one. My goal for this year is a bit different that yours, but also somewhat similar. I am been learning Dutch on my own for so long now and speak it somewhat okay to total strangers but hardly ever used it with my Dutch speaking friends or people at work because I was embarrassed because it is not that good and there is still a lot I don't know. But even though it is going to be tough, I made the goal to use it more at work and with friends because if I don't start now, I probably never will, I was only hurting myself. And you know what, so far, it is not going too bad...